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[tennisbiz] Re: Tennis Coaching Excellence
Respected Philippe.
I play tennis the more than 35 years I am considered a sportsman senior
amateur of good level and I already trained some new players besides my
son today with 15 years.
I am a great observer and taste of reading a lot on tennis techniques,
several materials on theories and projects of trainings.
Unlike many sporting activities the tennis is singular, a player doesn't
plays equal the other, due the physical and mechanical particularities
that the sport imposes, still due the conditions of the available
sporting material and of the apprentice's opportunities to learn with
opponents really good in trainings and tournaments, the financial factor
is a differential one very big.
The good practices of the tennis doesn't depend only of the trainer, I
observe that many of the calls professional trainers of clubs don't have
any specific formation in the area and still they don't have formation
in motivation areas or psychological. They are in the reality good
players and diligent and it has enormous patience in reviewing their
personal experiences and of life for boys and girls that dream in be
turned copies of their idols in the sport.
However, tested necessary techniques of good practices are very a little
tested and they cost expensive, besides we have the risk of we not
obtain good or mediocre results, because to play it is easy, well or
badly your disciple gets to beat in the ball, but to play to win is the
big differential, to overcome problems, the stress, the pressure, the
pain, the heat, the Sun the wind, the opponent's bad mood, the
arbitrate of the departure, to forget the lost point, to turn a set
where you lose from 1 to 5 and to transform it in 7 to 5 only some gets
is the talent, it is the differential. Nobody teaches that, that is born
with the person.
Francisco Xavier Silva from Brazil
Received on Wed Jul 27 2005 - 09:32:33 CDT
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